Friday 9 May 2008

Rhys Meyers to help Calcutta children

Rhys Meyers to help Calcutta children

Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers has revealed his plans to champ the rights of children life on the streets of Kolkata.
The Hollywood star was unveiled at a observance in Irish capital today as the ambassador for the Hope Substructure, a charity formed in his native Cork.
Rhys Meyers said: "I'm deeply honoured to become an embassador for an arrangement like the Leslie Townes Hope Initiation."
"Bob Hope, an enterprise started in my native Phellem over octet eld ago, has provided tax shelter, medical checkup care and support to close to of the world's poorest and about mistreated children, the street children of Calcutta."
"If I can use my name and celebrity to advance consciousness of the great work the Hope Foundation does in around small way and so I am delighted to be able to do so."
Rhys Meyers plans to visit Calcutta this year to see for himself the appalling conditions the street children ar forced to live in.
Promise, founded in 1999 by a group of women in Bottle cork, deeds with its 13 American Indian NGO partner groups to assume children off the streets and ameliorate their tone of life.
Hope manager Maureen Forrest said: "We are absolutely delighted to welcome Jonathan as our ambassador and we look fore to forging a strong relationship with him."
Rhys Meyers was named Charles Herbert Best Lead Worker in a Television Play for his role in 'The Tudors' at last night's Irish whiskey Film and Goggle box Awards.
For more on the IFTAs' winners click here.

VA- Makoto feat. Deeizm